Restaurant and hotel in Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy
The restaurant and hotel Cottage Nancy-Brabois is ideally located.
Its access is simple and fast: it is 1 km from the A33 motorway (free of charge) which leads in a few minutes to Nancy, and 5 km from the Nancy TGV station.
The restaurant and hotel are centrally located in front of the Nancy CHU(university hospital), in the heart of the Nancy-Brabois Technopôle(research institute) and 20 minutes from the Centre Prouvé(congress center).
It is the perfect address for a stopover evening, a professional trip (congress, training, etc.) of a few days, a business or private meal.
How to come
From Nancy : Motorway A33. Direction Nancy-Brabois
From Metz : Motorway A31 during 55 km.
Take the motorway exit 18 direction Strasburg, then the exit 2b direction Nancy-Brabois in front of the CHU(university hospital).
GPS Coordinates
Latitude: 48.6497244,
Station of Nancy (5 km) :TGV trains(high-speed trains) (Paris 1h30), TER trains(regional trains) (Lunéville, Bar-le-Duc, Longwy, Saint- Dié des Vosges, Metz, Luxembourg, Epinal)
Then with the tramway, it takes 15 mn and the tramway stop is located just right in front of the hotel-restaurant COTTAGE Nancy-Brabois.
Station of Metz (66 km): TER trains(regional trains) (Luxemburg, Thionville, Forbach).
Direct line from the train station: it takes 25 mn and the bus stop is located just right in front of the hotel-restaurant COTTAGE Nancy-Brabois.
Ligne A : direction Vandoeuvre-CHU-Brabois. Stop: Vandoeuvre-CHU-Brabois
Airport Metz-Nancy-Lorraine : 50 km far away.